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Why you should switch broadband provider
Internet speed and quality of connection improves constantly, if you have not switched for a long time, you might be able to get much faster broadband with better connections.
Also, if you switch to a different provider you could get a really good initial deal.
And, if you have come to the end of your current contract, you could find a much cheaper and better deal.
Is it difficult to switch broadband providers
Now-a-days it is usually easy to switch internet providers. You can do it through a comparison site or even do it yourself.
It’s also easy for the internet providers to transfer new customers to their network from another provider, as so many people are switching regularly.

How to switch suppliers
- Use a comparison site (like us) to find a good broadband deal.
- You can go to a broadband provider's official site and find a deal you like.
- Use either method and your new broadband provider will switch you over.
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Here are anwers to some frequently asked questions
What is the process when I switch broadband providers?
When you switch broadband providers, your new and present providers handle all the necessary needed to switch you over.
If I switch broadband provider, will my internet be disrupted?
Your internet might have minimal disruptions. You need to ask your new provider if your internet will be disrupted and for how long.
How long does it take to switch broadband provider?
You will need to ask your new provider, how long it will take.
Am I allowed to take my landline phone number with me to the new provider?
Yes, by regulations, you are able to take your landline number with you. But, you will have to ask your new internet provider if they will allow you to transfer it to them. If however, you have a different company who you rent your landline phone number from then the switch will not affect your landline telephone number in any way.
Will I need a new router or Hub when I switch broadband provider?
You new broadband provider will usually provide you with a new router or Hub.
Can I change my mind after switching broadband provider?
Yes, you have a 14 day cooling off period to change your mind.