Some Great Realistic Ways to Save Money Around The House
If you want to save money around the house, there are some realistic and achievable ways you can do this.

Here are our suggestions.
1. Buy supermarket’s own brand
When you are buying items, rather than buying branded goods, get the supermarket’s own brand. They are so much cheaper and you will be saving a lot of money from your shopping.
Some items such as biscuits, if you buy the supermarket’s own brand, you can get it for up to a third of the price. That is a big difference.
And, a lot of the times, it’s the branded manufacturers that make the supermarket branded items as well.
You will not like everything from the supermarket’s own brand range. But, see what you do like and buy that. At least you will be saving some money. And, things like household cleaners, you should buy the supermarket brand and save yourself money.
2. Buy fruits and vegetables from fruit and veg shops or markets
If you buying fresh fruits and vegetables, buy them from your local fruit and veg shops or a local market stool, if you have any in your area.
They are cheaper than buying them from supermarkets. Some supermarkets charge more than double than what you would pay at a local fruit and veg shop or market stall.
And, there is not that much difference in the quality, in most cases. If somebody cooked you some vegetables, can you tell where they bought it from?

3. Cook fresh
If you can cook, then cook fresh. You can prepare and make a meal for less than buying from supermarkets. And, you have a much bigger portion, when you cook it yourself.
In addition, you know what you are cooking, so it’s usually much healthier.
4. Only get an occasional take-away meal
If you get take-away meals, then reduce them and only get them occasionally.
Cook meals yourself. If you don’t know how to cook, then learn to cook. You can eat healthier and save money from buying take-away meals.
If you are pushed for time, don’t forget you can cook things that are quick, like pasta. And, you can also cook things that are easy to prepare. You don’t have to go all complicated.
However, it is still nice to get a take-away every now and then, there is nothing wrong with that. But, have a limit.
5. Reduce your nights outs
If you have nights out often, then reduce them and set yourself limits. Depending on your budget and income, set yourself a realistic target. For instance you will only go out for a night or two a month.
6. Cook in large amounts
When you are cooking a meal, don’t just cook it to be consumed at once. Cook enough to last for a few days or more. It is so much cheaper.
If you cooked the same meal, three days in a row. It will be much more expensive than cooking 3 days’ worth of the meal. And, cooking in large amounts, means you will have food in the house, so you will not have to order a take-away or go down to the supermarket to get a meal.

7. Compare and get a cheaper broadband, mobile and TV package
Whenever possible, and you not still in a contract, compare and get cheaper prices on your broadband, mobile and TV package.
People are wasting millions of pounds each year, by not switching their broadband, mobile and TV package, when their contract finishes. Make sure when your contract ends, you get a cheaper deal.
8. Compare and get cheaper energy supplier
When your gas or electric contract ends, compare and find a cheaper supplier and tariff.

9. Buy your clothes from end of season sales
When it’s the end of season sale, such as the winter sale, buy your clothes for the next winter. You will get them at sale prices and save a lot of money. And, the same for the summer. At the end of summer sale, buy your clothes for the next summer.
10. Set yourself a budget
Set yourself a monthly budget. Such as how much you want to spend on food, on going on, on bills and how much you want to save.
Make sure it’s realistic and not too ambitious. Otherwise you will not be able to stick to it.
We hope you find these suggestions useful and at least practise a few of them. Saving some money is still beneficial.
Additional Information
If you are looking for the best SIM only deal, read out article: Best SIM Only Deals UK – best SIM only plans available
If you are looking for home insurance, read our article: Home Insurance – Compare Cheap Quotes.
If you are looking for a web domain, check out Google Domain, here: Google Domain.
If you are looking for advertise on the web, check out Google Ads, here: Google Ads.
Money Advice Service
For debt management and advice on how to pay for bills go here: Money Advice Service info page.
If you are interested, check out: Best Bank Accounts for Bad Credit.