Find information for Southwark on free computer usage, help finding work, free activities, free legal advice, local events and more!

Free Employment Support – Help Finding Work and Apprenticeships
Southwark Works
(Southwark Works provide free employment support for anybody living in London Borough of Southwark. They will support in fining a job, Apprenticeship or courses)
Tel: 0207 740 8200 or Freephone on 08000 520 540
Go to website, here: Southwark Works Website.
Thames Reach Employment Academy
Thames Reach Employment Academy provides free support to anybody to find work.
Telephone: 0203 617 6070
Go to website, here: Thames Reach Employment Academy.
Food Bank

Southwark Food Bank
(If you are struggling for food, go to the Southwark Food Bank. They have a number of locations for you to access, including in Bermondsey, Peckham and Camberwell)
Contact: 0207 732 0007 (Please tell the advisor, if you need a translator)
Go to website, here: Southwark Food Bank.
(If you are in financial difficulties and you live in England or Wales, call the national helpline free, on: 0808 208 2138)
If you need financial advice do to hardship, call Help Through Hardship, free on: 07905 820 537
Free Courses In Southwark

Free English ESOL Lessons
Southwark Works, offer free English ESOL classes. For more information, go here: Free English ESOL Classes.
Free Computer Usage and WiFi
Book free usage of a computer or WiFi (if you have your own laptop, tablet or phone) at a number of libraries in Southwark. You can use the computer for emailing, internet, preparing presentations, editing pictures and more. You can also do free scanning. Printing documents has a charge. You can also get free space at the libraries to do work or study.
Find your nearest library here: List of Southwark Libraries.
Free Computer Tuition
If you want to learn computers, you can book onto a free computer tuition from a library staff. Contact your local library.
- Blue Anchor Library.
- Brandon Library.
- Camberwell Library.
- Canada Water Library.
- Dulwich Library.
- East Street Library.
- Grove Vale Library.
- John Harvard Library.
- Kingswood Order And Collect Library (No lessons)
- Nunhead Library.
- Peckham Library.
- Southwark Heritage Centre and Walworth Library.
Free Advice In Southwark

Free Advice On Money and Legal Matters
Citizens Advice, provides free advice including money, debt, consumer, law and immigration advice. In Southwark, there are Citizens Advice Centres, in Peckham Bermondsey and Walworth. Contact them, here: Southwark Citizens Advice.
Fee Money and Benefit Advice
Get free money and benefit advice from MoneyHelper, here: MoneyHelper Free Adivce.
Free Benefits Advice
You can get free advice on Benefits from Turn 2 Us, here: Turn 2 Us Free Benefits Advice.
Free Support for Refugee and Migrants
Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers (SDCAS)
SDCAS is a charity that supports vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers in poverty or distress in Southwark. For more information, go here: Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers.
Advice on Homelessness from Southwark Council
For advice on homelessness from Southwark Council including domestic abuse, go here: Advice on Homelessness.
Apprenticeships In Southwark

Help Finding Apprenticeships
Southwark Works, supports people into Apprenticeships. For more information, go here: Southwark Works Website.
You can look for any Apprenticeship opportunities with Southwark Council, here: Apprenticeships with Southwark Council.
You can also search for Apprenticeships on the Gov.UK site, here: Find an Apprenticeship.
Free Courses In Southwark

Local Training Opportunities
For free courses in Southwark and Lambeth including in Adult Social Care and Business Administration, go to: Free Courses in Southwark and Lambeth.
Free Online Courses from Southwark College for Job Seekers
Southwark College provides free online courses for job seekers including courses in IT, Customer Service, Support Work in Schools and Business Administration. Go to website, here: Free Courses at Southwark College.
Construction Courses
If you are looking for training or Apprenticeships in Construction, go here: The Skills Centre.
Construction Youth Trust provides free training in Construction for 16-18 year olds living in Southwark. Go to website, here: Construction Youth Trust.
Free Security, Construction, CSCS Card, Business Administration Course
If you are on state benefits or on low income, you can get free training on security, CSCS Card, Business Administration and more, here: Free 2 Learn.
Free Courses To Learn New Skills or Change Jobs
The National Careers Service provides free courses for you to learn new skills or if you want to change your job. Get more information, here: The National Careers Service.
Supporting For Residents With Mental Health
If you need support with your mental health in Southwark or Lambeth, contact Mind.
Telephone: 0208 159 8355
Go the their website, here: Lambeth and Southwark Mind.
Support For Residents With Learning Difficulties And Disabilities
Toucan, provides support for young people with learning difficulties and disabilities to find work placements and jobs.
Telephone: 0203 751 9681
Go to their website, here: Toucan Website.
Mencap helps people including young people with learning difficulties, including their parents and carers. Get more information by calling them.
Telephone: 0808 808 1111
Go to their website, here: Mencap Website.
Southwark Advice Plus
Southwark Advice Plus provides information, advice and guidance for adults with disability who live in Southwark.
Telephone: 0207 112 1489 (option 4)
Mobile: 07951 530 032
Go to their website, here: Southwark Advice Plus.
Leonard Cheshire
To get more information regarding support available for people with disability, go to Leonard Cheshire. Go to their website, here: Leonard Cheshire Website.
Advice On Work

ACAS, provides free advice on work and work related matters such as redundancies, dismissals and sick pay. For more information, go here: Advice from ACAS.
Free Legal Advice
Southwark Legal Advice Network
Southwark Legal Advice Network provide legal advice on various legal matters.
Go to their website, here: Southwark Legal Advice Network.
Southwark Law Centre
Southwark Law Centre provides advice on various legal matters.
Telephone: 0207 732 2008
Website: Southwark Law Centre.
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice provides free advice on various legal matters.
Go to website, here: Southwark Citizens Advice.
Activities In Southwark

Here are some activities available in Southwark
Free Swim and Gym For Southwark Residents
If you are a Southwark resident or a Southwark Council employee, you can get free swimming and gym in all the council’s leisure centres . It is easy to register. If you do not have access to a computer, you can do it free from your local library in Southwark. If you are a Southwark resident, for more information and to register, go here: Southwark Leisure Centres Free.
If you are a Southwark Staff, for more information and to register for the free swim and gym, go here: Southwark Leisure Centre Free (Staff).
Free Activities for Older People in Southwark
There are lots of free activities for older people in Southwark. Go to the Southwark Carers site for more information, here: Free Activities for Older People.
Upcoming Events In Southwark

Here are some events and upcoming events in Southwark.
Events in Southwark Libraries
Here are diary of upcoming events at Southwark Libraries, this month: Events at Southwark Libraries.
Events for Children and Families
Here are some events for children and families, including free events: Events for Children and Families.
All Upcoming Events on Southwark Council Site
Browse all upcoming events on the Southwark Council site, here: All Upcoming Events.
Additional Information
If you need help paying your energy bills, read our article, here: Help With Energy Bills.
If you are looking for a home insurance, read our article: Home Insurance – Compare Cheap Quotes.
Get the cheapest Unlimited Mobile Data Plan, here: Best Unlimited Data Plan – Cheap Unlimited SIM Only.
If you are interested, check out: Best Bank Accounts for Bad Credit.
If you are interested in a loan, check out: