Find information for Barnsley on free computer usage, help finding work, free activities, free legal advice, local events and more!

Free Employment Support – Help Finding Work and Apprenticeships
Enterprising Barnsley
(If you are looking for work or facing redundancy, then you can get employment support from Enterprising Barnsley. They will support you in fining a job, Apprenticeship or courses)
Tel: 01226 775100
Go to website, here: Enterprising Barnsley.
Support from Barnsley Council in Finding a Job
For information on getting help to find a job, go to the website: Help to Find a Job.

Support for 16-24 Year Olds – Get Ready For Work
If you are 16-24 years old and you are getting ready to find a job. Get information from Barnsley Council on training, how to get the right job, career advice and local support services, here: Advance Barnsley – Staying in Work.
Support in Finding Work – Including for People With Physical and Mental Health Condition
Barnsley Recovery and Wellbeing College, support people into work, including people with physical and mental health condition. For more information, go here: Barnsley Recovery and Wellbeing College.

Apprenticeships at Barnsley Borough Council
You can look for any Apprenticeship opportunities with Barnsley Council, here: Apprenticeships at Barnsley Council.
National Apprenticeships
You can also search for Apprenticeships on the GOV.UK site, here: Find an Apprenticeship.
Free Courses To Learn New Skills or Change Jobs
The National Careers Service provides free courses for you to learn new skills or if you want to change your job. Get more information, here: The National Careers Service.
Advice On Work
ACAS, provides free advice on work and work related matters such as redundancies, dismissals and sick pay. For more information, go here: Advice from ACAS.
Food Bank

Barnsley Food Bank
(If you are struggling for food, go to the Barnsley Food Bank. They have a number of locations for you to access.
Contact: 01226 235280
Go to website, here: Barnsley Food Bank.
(If you are in financial difficulties and you live in England or Wales, call the national helpline free, on: 0808 208 2138)
If you need financial advice do to hardship, call Help Through Hardship, free on: 07905 820 537
Free Courses In Barnsley

English ESOL Lessons
For English ESOL classes, go here for more information. English ESOL Lessons.
Free Computer Usage and WiFi
Book free usage of a computer or WiFi (if you have your own laptop, tablet or phone) at a number of libraries in Barnsley. You can use the computer for emailing, internet, preparing presentations, editing pictures and more. You can also do free scanning. You can also get free space at the libraries to do work or study. Get more information, here: Get Connected at Libraries.
You can find your local library, here: Find Your Local Libraries In Barnsley.

Free Computer Tuition
If you want to learn computers, get more information, here: IT and Computer Courses.
Free Advice In Barnsley

Free Advice On Money, Debt and Legal Matters
Citizens Advice, provides free advice including money, debt, consumer, law and immigration advice. Go to their website, here: Citizens Advice Barnsley.
Fee Money and Benefit Advice
Get free money and benefit advice from MoneyHelper, here: MoneyHelper Free Adivce.
Free Benefits Advice
You can get free advice on Benefits from Turn 2 Us, here: Turn 2 Us Free Benefits Advice.
Free Support for Refugee and Migrants
Refugee Advice Project Barnsley
Refugee Advice Project Barnsley offer support to refugees and asylum seekers, seeking asylum. They also give advice on benefits, housing and ESOL. For more information, go here: Refugee Advice Project Barnsley.
If you are a refugee you can also get support from the Barnsley Refugee Integration Service, here: Barnsley Refugee Integration Service.

Advice on Homelessness and Housing from Barnsley Council
If you would like advice on homelessness and housing as well as domestic abuse go to Barnsley Council site, here: Homelessness and Housing Advice.
Barnsley MBC
For advice on housing options, housing and homelessness, go here: Barnsley MBC Advice.

Difficulties Paying Your Rent or Mortgage
If you are having difficulties paying your rent or mortgage, get information from Barnsley Council, here: Advice on Rent and Mortgage.
Domestic Abuse
If you need advice and support with domestic abuse, go to Barnsley Council’s website, here: Advice and Support.
Supporting For Residents With Mental Health
For support with mental health, go to the Barnsley Council’s website, here: Support With Mental Health.
Rotherham and Barnsley Mind
Rotherham and Barnsley Mind supports people with mental health needs. Go to their website, here: Rotherham and Barnsley Mind.
Support For Residents With Learning Difficulties And Disabilities
Barnsley Adult Learning Disability Service (Community)
For advice and support on learning disability contact Barnsley Adult Learning Disability Service (Community)
Telephone: 01226 645237
Go to their website, here: Barnsley Adult Learning Disability Service (Community).

Free Legal Advice
For free legal advice go to Citizens Advice in Barnsley, here: Citizens Advice Barnsley.
Activities In Barnsley

Here are some activities available in Barnsley.
Barnsley Museum and Discovery Centre
Visit Barnsley Museum and Discovery Centre to see local history and exhibitions. Go to website, here: Barnsley Museum and Discovery Centre.
Activities and Events for Older People
Barnsley Age UK, provide activities and events for older people. Check out their website, here: Barnsley Age UK.
Upcoming Events In Barnsley
Here are some events and upcoming events in Barnsley.

Events on Barnsley Council Website
Check out upcoming events on the Barnsley Council website, here: Upcoming Events Barnsley.
Visit Barnsley
Check out some upcoming events on the Visit-Barnsley website, here: Upcoming Events In Barnsley.
Additional Information
If you need help paying your energy bills, read our article, here: Help With Energy Bills.
If you are looking for a home insurance, read our article: Home Insurance – Compare Cheap Quotes.
Get the cheapest Unlimited Mobile Data Plan, here: Best Unlimited Data Plan – Cheap Unlimited SIM Only.
If you are interested, check out: Best Bank Accounts for Bad Credit.
If you are interested in a loan, check out:
If you are thinking of relocating, check out: Cheapest Places To Rent In The UK.