Budget / Money

What are Nectar points – How do you collect and spend Nectar points

Nectar Points are points that you can collect, for instance when shopping, and each point is worth money. There are over 400 shops or places that you can collect Nectar points from, including Sainsbury’s, Argos and EBay. You can keep collecting these points and then spend the amount of equivalent money they are worth. Nectar

What are Nectar points – How do you collect and spend Nectar points Read More »

Boost your Nectar Points with Double Mail Rewards Points and get Free Nectar points

The Mail joined forces with Nectar in 2017 to provide its readers with free Nectar points. The Mail gives out generous helpings of Nectar points, and you can collect up to 80 Nectar points every week with My Mail Rewards. In addition, there are ways you can get Double Nectar points as well as free

Boost your Nectar Points with Double Mail Rewards Points and get Free Nectar points Read More »